Races of Dentherq
Aire Dwarves
Aire dwarves, or Artanthas are a off shoot race of mountain dwarves. They live in cloud citadels and other magical floating cities. Aire dwarves are about 4.5 to 5 feet tall and slimmer than other dwarven races. They generally resemble shorter slightly stockier elves with richly braided beards. They generally have darker skin and white, red or brown hair. Eye color can be silver, blue, black or green. Aire dwarves live for about 550 to 600 years.
Aire dwarves tend to be less dour than their earthly counter parts but still are quite arrogant feeling themselves superior because of their lofty cities and castles. Though they can grow some food and do have some land based animals the aire dwarves depend a lot upon other land races and their high mountain farms. The aire dwarves make a living off of crafting rare and exotic devices made of gold and silver (which they adore), creating maps and creating the best optical devices known in all the areas of Dentherq. They are rare in the fact that they are magical and hate all gems since they see no real pracical use for them. Though their arrogance and general lack of concern for other good races they are kind hearted and fierce and will glady join good causes when they see the need.
Aire dwarves, as their name depicts live in mighty floating cloud cities that drift in the winds. They cannot fly but instead employ airbourne beasts and their own magical air barges and boats.
A character of aire dwarven stock maybe a cleric, a fighter, a mage or a thief. They may be a cleric/figher, a cleric/mage, a cleric/thief, a fighter/mage, a fighter/thief or a mage/thief.
From living in the skies an having earthly connections the aire dwarves find it useful to learn many langauges. A character may learn common, aarakocra, aire dwarf, berbalang, cloud giant, dragon (of some sort), dwarf, frost dwarf, giant eagle,griffon, gobworis, storm giant, harpy, hipogriffon, ki-rin, pegasus, roc, urd and the simple tongue of birds and other winged animals (wingspeak).
Unlike their land based kin the aire dwarves are magical and become mages more often than there landbased cousins. They do not gain the resistance to magic that other dwarves do but they do gain the resistance to toxins that mountains and hill dwarves do. The bonus is +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution.
In melee aire dwarves recieve a +1 to hit berbalangs, gobworis or urds. When cloud giants, dragons or storm giants they must subtract 4 from their attack rolls.
Aire dwarves have lost their infravision and their natural underground sense they do however gain these benifits:
Determine altitiude 1-3 d6
Determine direction (above ground) 1-3 d6
Determine weather for the next 24 hours 1-2 d6
NOTE: An aire dwarf must deliberately check for these they do not function automatically.
Because of thier way of living the aire dwarves recieve a +1 to their Constition scores. However this same style of life makes them haughty and proud which lowers thier Charisma score by 1.
Duergar, under dwarves, or grey dwarves as they are more commonly called thrive the in murky darkness of the Undercommon. They, along with the drow, svirfneblin, and other races live in this constant midnight. Every now and than a duergar will flee these surrondings for the starry nights of the Overworld. Or they will be sent by their overlords to work havoc on the surface of Dentherq. The duergar appear to be shorter, thinner, and in general nastier than their surface living cousins. They have white or grey hair and have grey or blackish skin. Ther eyes are black or grey. The duergar dislike bright light and are hated, as most Undercommon races are, by the Overworld dwellers. The duergar are generally more tacturn and more stoney faced then their surface dwelling cousins. They like duller metals and dislike gems more than do aire dwarves. The duergar are more interested in stone and its shaping. The duergar are also less benevolent to children, mates and prisoners often destoying those to weak to thrive or simply not crafty enough to avoid being "purged". Duergar typically live for about 350 to 450 years
A character of the duegar stock may be a priest, a fighter or a thief. He may multiclass as a cleric / fighter, a cleric/ thief or a fighter / thief.
The deep delving duegrar find it practical to learn a few languages. A duergar character may choose at first level (if profciencies permit ) to speak drow, duegrar dialect, Overdwarf (surface dwarf), svirfneblin, "undercommon" (trade speech), or silent tongue. When the character next receives proficiences he may choose common (or any other surface tongue) as a language. He may not however learn an Undercommon language unless he has recently adventurered there and been able to kidnap a teacher or been able to steal some books. For example, our hero Wquerl of Darklan is a thief when he starts at first level he choses to speak Overdwarf and duegar. Later when he has slain the warrior Jo he is forth level and choses to learn common. However since he has nor teacher for any Undecommon tongue and hasn't been their since he left he cannot learn drow or some other tongue.
Duergar recieve a +4 versus magical attacks and are immune to poison, paralysis and illusion/phantasm spells. Deugar can also move so that an opponent will recieve a -2 on their surprise roll. Also duergar themselves are only suprised on a 1 on a 1d10. Duegar receive the giant size combat bonus that all dwarves receive and the detection abilities of dwarves (mountain and hill). They do not however receive the bonus against orcs, half-orcs and the like as do other dwarves (mountain and hill).
Duergar characters may spend two proficiencies for the inate ablities that they posses (invisibility and enlarge). This may be done at any time during the character's life. However some restrictions apply when they enlarge. When enlarged the duergar must subtract 5 hp for every 5 rounds that they are enlarged. However this amount is subtracted after they shrink to normal size. This penalty is the punishment that their bodies go through when enlarged furthermore they may only enlarge once per day.
The duergar on the Overworld recieves several penalties. When in sunlight the duergar lose enhanced suprise abilities, their dexterity is -2, their attack rolls are made with a -2 penalty and opponents recieve a +2 on saving throws. If the duergar is in deeply shaded or in the dark he only recieves a -1 attack roll and his opponents recieve +1 saving throws. Also the duergar will be attacked on sight by people if his true charcter is unknown. It is therefore wise for the duergar to stay away from civilization and always be deeply cloaked.
Duergar player characters recieve a +1 to their Strength since they have been condition form childbirth. However they recieve a -1 Constitution because of thier excessively undernourished surroundings and general lack of health. Further since they are generally more sour-faced then dwarves they recieve a -2 on thier Charisma score.
Frost Dwarves
Frost dwarves live in the highest and remotest mountains of Dentherq. They are slightly backward by dwarven standards but still their courage, warcraft, and mining are renown. These dwarves have blueish skin, white or black hair and eyes that range from sliver to brown. They are slightly insane and quite odd but are generally kindly with a strict sense of duty. These dwarves are the same height as their lower dwelling cousins and live to be about the same age.
The frost dwarves themselve are not dour and tacturn like their cousins making it hard to believe that they are the same race. However they are also not nearly as wise or intelligent as their lowland cousins. This lower level of thinking makes them slightly bumkinish. Woe to any fool stupid enough to say this to a frost dwarf they are considerably stronger if not healthier than their low dwelling cousins. The frost dwarves themselves mine for isaron. (ice metal) in which they can craft the most wonderful of weapons which bestow protection from ice and cold. They also enjoy finding gems but dislike all other metals except silver which reminds them of their icy homelands. A frost dwarven character will typically want is share of treasure in silver which is more valuable (sentimentally) to him.
.Though their backwardness and muleheadness makes them an intellectual burden their strength and bravery is one of the most renown in the realms of Dentherq. The frost dwarves themselves do not like evil races such as orcs but oddly enjoy listening to elven talk, little of which they understand. Frost dwarven beast-riders typically ride wolves and bears.
A character of frost dwarven stock may be a cleric, a fighter, or a thief. Thieves will almost always be spies or scouts not actually burglars. Hence the saying "ya can always trust da' ice". A frost dwarf character may also be a cleric/fighter.
From living in their icy summits the frost dwarves find it useful to learn several langauges among them are aire dwarf, common, dwarf, frost dialect, frost giant, parshawn (outsider elf), white dragon, wolf (a sort of semi-emphatic communication) or yeti. They may learn these langauges as proficiencies permit.
The frost dwarves recieve the +1 for every 3.5 points of Constitution againt magic. This ability is negated when magical heat attacks are done. However if the attack is cold based the frost dwarf recieves a +3 on his saving throw, in addition to any Constitution bonus. He also recieves this adjustment when he is attacked by a cold based breath weapon or any other cold based weapon. He is unaffected by a yeti's cold fur. However the frost dwarf will recive a -3 on his saving throw when faced by a heat based breath weapon. Weapons that are meant to damage frost creatures do their bonus damage but those that are for fire creatures do -1 hit point of damage. Frost dwarves do not recieve the saving throw role bonus from toxins and poisons. They are extremely susceptible to alcohol and are easily inebriated. The reason for this remains a mystery. Finally frost dwarves are immune to natural cold. They do not suffer from frost bite or hypothermia. They are highly discomforted by heat and will stay as far away as possible from a large blaze.
A frost dwarf receives the 20% malfunction and detection chance that other dwarves receive. They receive only a 10% malfunction and check for ice magics. They receive a 30% malfunction and detection of fire magics. The check is made per the items of a hill or mountain dwarf.
In melee the frost dwarves receive the +1 to dice rolls when attacking orcs, half-orcs and yeti. When attacked by gaint class monsters these monster must subtract -4 as per hill and mountain dwarves.
Frost dwarves have lost a considerable amount of their infravision and therefore have for only 30'. They are however immune to snow blindness. Frost dwarves recieve all miner benefits as per hill or mountain dwarves.
..Frost dwarves are the only surface dwarves that dueger respect. Frost dwarves harsh conditions result in a +1 to their Strength and Constitution scores. Frost dwarves are sort of mind numb and therfore suffer a -1 penalty on their Intelligence and Wisdom scores.
Sandstone Dwarves
Sandstone dwarves are also known as coastal or canyon dwarves. They are also mistakenly named the sea dwarves. They are the only type of dwarf that openly revels in swimming and sailing. The sandstone dwarves are of a lighter tone of skin and hair. They typically have dusty, tanned faces and sandy or brown hair. They have brown or green eyes and rarely is their any blue or grey eyed sandstone dwarves. The sandstone dwarves typically are just over 4 feet and live approximately as long as their mountain dwelling cousins.
.The sandstone dwarves are not as dour as their cousins but they are overly secretive and hold other races including other dwarves in contempt. This may be because of the excessive raids that seem to be drawn toward the rich sandstone settlements of these dwarves. This probably causes the contempt since in none of these instances have any other races come to their aid. Also the sandstone dwarves still hold a grudge regarding the Gap Battle where many thousands of sandstone dwarves were slain by both the orcs and goblins and the forces of good. For these reasons the sandstone dwarves hold a bitter resentment toward the dwarven families and clans and the other races. Though their short comings the sandstone dwarves are valiant and wise. They are quite honorable and their sense of duty rivals that of frost dwarves or Greenfellow halflings. They do see the value of trade as such and will readily trade gold, sponges, pearls, and other products of the sea and surronding areas. The sandstone dwarves are known for their well bred ponies and pack mules. The sandstone dwarves also have one of the better navies and merachant fleets of Dentherq.
The non-magical sandstone dwarves recieve the same bonus for their saving throws as do other dwarves. They do not however recieve the 20% malfunction or discovery chance that other dwarves recieve.
The sand stone dwarves recieve the bonuses in melee as do other dwarves. They recieve a +1 on dice rolls when attacking kuo-toa, orcs, half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, merrows, sahuagin and vodyanoi. When attacked by giant class monsters the sandstone dwarf gets the -4 on the opponents rolls.
For unknown reasons the sandstone dwarves have retained their night vision.
.Sandstone dwarves recieve the following detection abilities:
Determine direction (above ground) 1-3 d6
Determine weather for the next 24 hours 1-2 d6
Detect traps 1-3 d6
Detect secret or hidden doors 1-2 d6
Detect concealed doors 1-4 d6
Further the sandstone dwarf character will if raised near water be able to swim and sail a boat.
A sandstone dwarf character may be a cleric, a fighter, or a thief. He may also be a cleric / fighter or a fighter / thief. The sandstone penalties for thivery within its own society are severe but they do not care and may even encourage pilfering outside of their own society.
The sandstone dwarves find it useful to speak many tongues. A sandstone dwarf, depending on his place of birth and where he has lived most of his life, will learn the langauges that will best allow him to survive. For example, Garanth is living in the sea coast town of Roundwave. He will probably learn sea elf instead of red dragon or ogre.
Finally a sandstone dwarf receives these bonuses to their ability scores. A +1 to their Dexterity and their Intelligence scores. They receive a -2 penalty to their Charisma score.
Gold Elves
The gold elves are closely related to the high elves. The gold elves are true to their name they have gold skin, eyes, and hair. There is little difference between them, other than in coloration. The gold elves typically live longer lives than high elves, they are also considerably lighter. They gain the same benfits and penalties of high elven characters.
Commonly called grey or faerie elves, are not truly elves. They are less civil than their "relatives" but otherwise function and act as high elves. They do not recieve the +1 bonus to hit with bows nor the detection abilities. They gain all other benfits and penalties. Additionally the grugach may recieve wizard spells by using the chart for priest spells (use intelligence score to find number of additonal spells). This benefit is due to their faerie blood. A grugach character recieves a +1 bonus on his Dexterity and Intelligence score. However is Charisma and strength scores recive a -1 penalty.
Moon Elves
Moon or silver elves as they are commonly called seem to be a cross of grugach and high elven stock. The moon elves have pale skin and lightly pigmented eyes. Their hair is typically black. They speak a mixture of grugach and high elf. They receive the benfits and the penalties of a high elven character. They do not receive the spell bonus as do grugach.
This unique race of haflings are magically endowed and a few are able to become magi of certain potent power. They are generally similar to their other hafling cousins except for their magical ability. They are also more solemn but still quite cherry and out going. They have blue, green or silver eyes and have white, red, or blonde curly hair. They have paler complexions than their other brethren. They typically wear greens, browns and blacks.
Wonderfoots prefer not to fight unless they are absolutely forced into doing so. They usually fight with short bows and slings but do not gain the bonuses that other halfings gain. They use daggers, knives and short swords to a great degree. Their champions typically use scimitars or cutlasses. Wonderfoot soldiers typically wear leather armor with a buckler, while the champions will wear plate mail. Champions typically ride boars as steeds while the rest of the force is regular infantry. The main difference is the Wonderfoot magi who is employed with great efficiency when in combat.
Wonderfoots are not resistant to toxins and magic like other haflings. Wonderfoots are as clever at hiding as there non-magical brethren. They are considered invisible if hiding in plains areas (areas with tall grass) and their opponents receive a -5 to their surprise roll.
Habitat / Society
Wonderfoot villages will generally have between 10 and 100 (10d10) individuals living in them for every 10 Wonderfoots in a particular community there will be two second level fighters, one second level priest and one third level mage. If more than 30 Wonderfoots are encountered there will be an additional leader of third level fighting and magic ability (i.e. a fighter / mage). If more than 50 Wonderfoots are encountered there will also be the following additional Wonderfoot warriors in the group: one fourth level fighter, two third level fighters and three second level fighters. Further there will be one fourth level priest.
Thoughtful and humorous, Wonderfoots, enjoy complex puzzles of the mind and stories. They enjoy crafts but prefer song and dance to carving or molding. Oddly, Wonderfoots, despise bards since they think they are sneaks and spies and have no artistic talent.
Wonderfoots grow most of their food and rarely hunt but instead use the livestock they raise: pigs, goats and geese. They like herbs and dried fruits from strange lands. The live for about 150 years.
These haflings are the result of goblin and hafling cross breeding by a powerful mage or deranged demigod. They are sterner in ways and quite stubborn. They are not as carefree as their cousins and are rather more like dwarves than haflings. They have brown, blue, or black eyes and have black or brown straight hair. They have olive complexions with pointy ears. Their teeth are slightly pointed.
Greenfellows prefer to bring the fight to the opponent instead of themselves, but only fight if they have reasons to believe hostilities. They usually fight with arquebuses on swivels, short bows, light crossbows, darts, javelins and nets. They use daggers, footman's maces, knives, morning stars, sickles, short swords and war hammers in melee combat. Greenfellow infantry typically wear chain mail armor and use a buckler or other small shield. Greenfellow cavalry are composed of rams. The riders will use horseman's maces and clubs. Greenfellows are quite honorable an a word is a bond.
Greenfellows are resistant to toxins and magic they save at two levels above their own. Greenfellows are apparently immune to disease a trait of their goblin ancestors. Greenfellows are clever at hiding. They are considered invisible if hiding in jungle areas and their opponents receive a -5 to their surprise roll. Greenfellows have infravision effective to 60 feet.
Habitat / Society
Greenfellow villages will generally have between 20 and 200 (20d10) individuals living in them for every 20 Greenfellows in a particular community there will be two third level fighters and one second level priest. If more than 50 Greenfellows are encountered there will be an additional leader of fifth level fighting ability. If more than 100 Greenfellows are encountered there will also be the following additional Greenfellow warriors in the group: one sixth level fighter, two fifth level fighters and three third level fighters. Further there will be one third level priest.
Proud yet not arrogant this offshoot of the typical hafling line is an honorable race that stick to their words and kin like glue. They are not quite as gruff as the dwarves nor as jolly as their hafling cousins. The Greenfellows do not tolerate thieves (punishment can be quite harsh) or elves since they think of them as one and the same.
Greenfellows hunt and forage for most of their food. They live off what they can get when they wander nomadically in the summer, while they use what food they have stored for winter in more permanent dwellings. The live for about 90 years.